Boys Lie, So Look Before You Leap
The themes I wanted to explore in my most recent collection are: being young and inexperienced in relationships. Betrayal and heartbreak.
When you're young and inexperienced in relationships, its natural to anticipate only the best from boys. I guess you could say, you have blind faith in them and you innocently assume their intentions are sincere because yours are. So it can come as a shock when you realise that actually, there are a lot of boys out there who will have no problem at all fucking you over and sleeping soundly at night.
In fact, maybe at first, you're in total disbelief that people can be so shady, what kind of person intentionally uses and hurts others without remorse? In your naivety, you assumed everyone shared the same moral integrity. So refusing to take your rose tinted glasses off, you overlook the 'bad' in boys and give them the benefit of the doubt.
You start denying, minimising and rationalising their mistreatment and disrespect. You become desenitised to toxic relationships and start to believe its normal, you start to loose sight of who you are and your own moral standards. You want to believe everyone has your best interests at heart, even in the face of overwhelming evidence they don't.
I wanted to create this piece "Boys Lie, So Look Before You Leap" as a warning not to jump into relationships with blind faith that everyone is trustworthy. Some boys are narcissistic liars and will wreak havoc with your emotional and mental well being.
"Boys Lie, So Look Before You Leap" available here.
This is not to say you are to blame for boys betraying, disrespecting or mistreating you. They are entirely accountable for their own actions, its NOT your fault. Your only weakness is putting blind faith into others and assuming everyone has their heart is in the right place. No one ever teaches us how to trust smartly. In fact, girls are conditioned to excuse and even romanticise shady behavior, we tell little girls "he's only mean to you because he likes you."
Develop your judgment skills, in assessing whether someone or not someone is trustworthy (because unfortunately not everyone is), you have to remain level-headed. Don't just give your trust away, it has to be earned. Its all about finding a balance, you can't trust blindly but neither can you be completely distrustful. Trust should work like balancing scales, it starts out neutral & you adjust it with evidence. Acknowledge when someone does something shady but also recognize when they do something that shows they're trustworthy.
Trusting blindly, is like putting (imaginary) evidence on the 'trustworthy' scale, before they've even proven themselves. Similarly, being completely distrustful, is like putting (imaginary) evidence on the 'untrustworthy' scale, when someone hasn't even done anything wrong! Don't cast aspersions on everybody because of the actions of your fuckboy exes. I know its hard when you've experienced betrayal over & over but would you like to be punished for other people's actions? The fact is, not everyone is trustworthy but you have to realise some people are legit & if you don't give them a fair chance you'll push them away.
You can't expect to know whether or not you can trust someone straight away, people prove themselves overtime with consistent actions. Keep your eyes open & give someone the trust they deserve. You have to accept there's always going to be an element of risk when you decide to trust someone but of course, some people are safer bets than others. Make sure you invest your trust & loyalty in someone who is worthy.
There are red flags that someone is shady, just don't blame yourself for not knowing what they are. Learn from shady exes what type of people & traits to avoid in the future. If you look back at those relationships, you will see there were red flags there from the start. Eventually, you will be able to spot fuckboys from a mile off. You will feel more confident going into new relationships because you're more likely to notice when someone is bad news. You are not the same naive person you were in previous relationships, that didn't see such shady people coming. You're wiser.

Custom Sequin Emoji Patches
Recently I was approached to see if I would make some of my sequin emoji patches, that I made for Gwen Stefani last year, for a custom order.
I get asked a lot to make custom sequin patches but I don't document everything that I make, which I want to do more of!
So here are some of the finished made-to-order sequin emoji patches that I made.
I personalised some of the patches to the customers unique taste. For example I gave the resting bitchface emoji pink lips instead of red!
I also made the dancing girl emoji patch in a black dress with black hair instead of the usual red dress.

I no longer sell any of these sequin emoji designs on my website but you can request them as a custom order.

Bad Aliens
I released a collection called 'Bad Aliens' in January of last year. The idea behind the collection was to explore 'What would happen if aliens treated humans, how humans treat animals?'
In 2014 I become quite obsessed with extraterrestrials, all I would watch is documentaries on abduction stories, ancient alien theories, UFO sightings. I've always found all things otherworldly interesting. Ghosts, magic, cults, the universe, there is something about the unknown that is alluring to me.
The thought of extraterrestrials visiting earth scared and excited me at the same time. Lets believe these extraterrestrials are more advanced than us (which they probably are if they're capable of visiting us), how will they treat us, the 'inferior' species? Would they be 'good' or 'bad' aliens?
I looked to the way humans treat animals, a species many humans agree to be inferior to them, as inspiration. To begin with, a lot of humans see animals as tasty snacks, hot dogs in the making. I had quite a lot of fun imagining an alien fast food restaurant with human burgers on the menu.

Secondly, I know a lot of humans love to wear animals. Many wear animal fur coats as a status symbol, to show off to the other humans. I imagined aliens doing the same with humans, with one posing smugly with a skinned 'gorgeous blonde' draped around their neck.

The human scarf is inspired by a certain blonde American teen, who kills wild animals like Lions and then smugly poses with their dead bodies as trophies. Which leads me onto my next piece, which was inspired by the way many humans enjoy hunting animals.

I thought of the ways in which humans justify hunting animals and imagined aliens using the same justifications to hunt humans. "Its kinder than other methods of controlling the human population, they are never left injured, they either get away or are killed." or if all else fails "Its tradition!"
Taking into consideration some of the ways humans treat animals as an example, our fate in the hands of extraterrestrials doesn't look good. We can only imagine what would happen if aliens were to serve humans some cosmic karma.
All images are copyrighted.
All patches are now sold out.